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Our Business Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursdays of the month and our General Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month unless we notify and post otherwise.
Policy for addressing our General meetings:
If you would like to appear, present or hand out information at any of our meetings (General), we must have 30 days notice, detail of the request and it further must be approved by the Directors in advance. This applies to all candidates, issues, and causes.
Legislative Representative
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Lapeer County Tea Party
Member of the 1st Michigan Tea Party Alliance
Hot off the press!!
Lapeer County Tea Party
March General Meeting
The Lapeer County Tea Party held its March Meeting on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 7:00 PM at the Mayfield Township Hall, 1900 N Saginaw St. Lapeer Mi 48446.
Our guest speakers were two members of the Lapeer District Library, Vice Chair John DeAngelis and Secretary Peggy Brotzke. They discussed many of the issues that the Library is currently dealing with. We thank then and all our attendees who were able to be there.
You can view the meeting below in its entirety.
Lapeer County Tea Party
February General Meeting
Mi. State Legislature Update w/State Sen. Kevin Daley
We welcomed our special guest, State Sen. Kevin Daley for an update of all the craziness that is Lansing.
Lapeer County Tea Party November General Meeting
It was our final meeting of 2024!
We were extremely glad to hear from the founder of the Lapeer County Tea Party, Danette Starr Lowery, who joined us via zoom to give us an update on the recovery efforts from the hurricanes in her current hometown in Ashville, North Carolina and what she has seen there.
We also welcomed Michael Haught from "We the People". He informed us various ways of how we can help our elected officials uphold their oath to the Constitution.
September General Meeting
The most recent Lapeer Tea Party meeting was Tuesday, September 17 at Mayfield Township Hall.
Our guests were Scott McMahan, running on the Republican ticket for Lapeer County Board of Commissioners in District 1 and Beth Potter-Knowlton also running for Commissioner in District 1as a non partisan.
Also in attendance was Ian Kempf, who is unopposed is his seat as a County Commissioner in District 5.
You can view the meeting in its entirety by clicking the link above.
Lapeer County Tea Party August General Meeting
The Lapeer County Tea Party recently held its August General Meeting at the Mayfield Township Hall.
This meeting was focused on Lapeer Community Schools.
Superintendent Matt Wandrie spoke and gave us an update on Lapeer schools recently passed bond and the new construction taking place as we get ready for a new school year.
The November ballot will include the election of Lapeer school board members. The candidates running were all in attendance, and had the opportunity to introduce themselves, and tell us why they are running for a position on the school board. The four candidates running are; Casey Carpenter, Christopher Herr, Summer Putnam, and John Van Wagner.
View the meeting in its entirety by clicking the link below.
Lapeer County Tea Party July Meeting Video
The Lapeer County Tea Party held its most recent meeting Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at 7:00 PM at the Mayfield Township Hall, 1900 N Saginaw St, Lapeer.
Our guest speaker were 67th District Representative Phil Green, and Lapeer County Veterans Services Director Pete Kirley. Its worth noting that both of the other 67th District House Republican candidates Sherri Cross, or Sherry Marden were no shows. Rep. Green was the only one who showed. All 3 candidates got the same invitation. View our meeting in its entirety below.
The Lapeer County Tea Party held its June meeting on June 18th, 2024 at 7:00pm at the Mayfield Township Hall, 1900 N Saginaw St, Lapeer, MI 48446. Our guest speakers were the three candidates running for Lapeer County Register of Deeds, Amy R. Stearns, Meggen M. Lang & Karen Marine Toland.
We also had Jim Novak who is running for Road Commission. and Joe Suma and Andy Wagner, who are our candidates for Drain Commissioner were participants. Justin Vincenzetti who is also running for Road Commission was a no show after agreeing to attend.
We thank all the candidates who participated in this opportunity to meet the voters!
Lapeer County Tea Party
May 2024 General Meeting Video
w/Lapeer County EMS Director Russ Adams
The Lapeer County Tea Party held its most recent meeting on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 7:00 PM at the Mayfield Township Hall, 1900 N Saginaw St, Lapeer. Our guest speaker was Lapeer County EMS Director Russ Adams. Lapeer County EMS is asking for a millage renewal, with a 33% increase, on the August ballot. Russ addressed many concerns our audience and why Lapeer EMS feels that these increases are necessary. View the presentation in its entirety here and make up your own mind. This WILL be on the August ballot so it is important that voters make an informed decision.
Lapeer County Tea Party
April General Meeting
Our guest speakers were 26th District State Sen. Kevin Daley, and our 24th District State Sen. Ruth Johnson. We had not had an opportunity to have them both together in quite sometime, and with all that is going on in Lansing these days, they were extremely informative about where things currently are and what we will see coming in the future. Thank you Senators Daley and Johnson for the job they are doing and keeping us unformed!
U.S. Senate Candidate Forum presented by Lapeer County Tea Party and Stand Up Lapeer County
Guest speakers included Senate Candidates Mike Hoover, Rebekah Curran, Dr. Sherry O'Donnell, Alexandria Taylor, and Glenn Wilson
Lapeer County Tea Party
March 5th General Meeting
Our guest speaker was Michelle Peel, speaking on behalf of “Citizens for Local Choice.” This is a bi-partisan ballot initiative to give back zoning regulations of wind and solar operations to our local government. You may remember, last November the Michigan Legislature passed new laws that took away the local power to control these issues and gave it to the unelected Public Service Commission.
Also speaking was Pete “Top” Kirley, Director of Lapeer County Veteran Services. He provided an update on what his agency is doing for our Veterans.
Michelle Peel speaking on behalf of “Citizens for Local Choice.”
Scott McMahan from Bigger Truth Media is our guest speaker and talks about corruption in the Michigan GOP
January General Meeting
If you missed our January meeting this month you will want to view it at the link below. Our guest was Karla Wagner, founder of AX MI TAX. This is a ballot proposal currently collecting signatures that if adopted, would eliminate property taxes in Michigan.
The Lapeer County Tea Party held our November meeting on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, at 7:00 PM. Our guest speaker was be Representative Jaime Greene, who represents the 65th House District. She did a GREAT job and we were delighted to have her give us her insights on the current situation in Lansing.
(Lapeer City Commission Candidate Forum)
Lapeer Tea Party July 2023 Monthly Meeting
Lapeer County Legislators "ON THE RECORD"
Want to know how your Lapeer County State Rep or State Senator voted on a recent bill? Just click the link and see the votes for Rep. Phil Green, Rep Jaime Greene, Rep. Greg Alexander, State Sen. Kevin Daley, and State Sen. Ruth Johnson. This page will be updated weekly to keep you informed on who has voted for what bill.
Special October Meeting w/Republican Candidate for Lt Governor Shane Hernandez
Mr. Adam DiAngeli from Rescue Michigan Coalition joined us in September
July 12th Tea Party Meeting w/LCS Superintendent Matt Wandrie on the upcoming millage request, and presentation for the County wide Senior Millage proposal.
New Michigan 67th District GOP Candidate Forum
Michigan House 65th Forum Tuesday, May 17th @7PM
With the new Districts having been drawn in our state, we are grateful to the candidates who are running for State Rep for the 65th, (Eastern Lapeer County) Jaime Greene, Mike Pratt, and Frank Wasung for participating in our forum.
Candidates from the 98th were also invited but declined to show.
Lapeer County Tea Party April General Meeting w/ State Senator and former Secratary of State Ruth Johnson
Over the last 2 years we have watched our state be completely undermined by a AG who goes on the attack of law-abiding Michigan citizens and a Secretary of State who has all but decimated free and open elections for its citizens. In order to save our state, we MUST elect new leadership for our state. It is vitally important to know what these candidates stand for as we get ever closer to the 2022 elections.
Our Business Meetings are held at the Eastern Michigan State Fairgrounds office
195 Midway Street, Imlay City MI 48444
Our Meetings begin promptly at 7PM.
See you there!
Lapeer Tea Party Communications
Michigan Redistricting re-draws Michigan Congressional, House, and Senate districts...
New Michigan House Map...
New Michigan Senate Map...
New Michigan Congressional Map...
Marian Sheridan was the guest speaker at our last meeting of the Lapeer County Tea Party on Tuesday, Aug. 17.
Lapeer Tea Party July General Meeting
Senator Patrick Colbeck was our guest speaker at the last meeting of the Lapeer County Tea Party on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 7:00 PM. Senator Colbeck held two terms as state senator from 2011 to 2019. He spoke about election integrity, the Antrim County investigation, and what’s needed to secure future elections. Senator Colbeck is the author of “Wrestling Gators: An Outsider's Guide to Draining the Swamp,” . We are very excited to once again have had former Senator Colbeck speak on this critical subject. Click the link above to view our meeting in its entirety.
June Guest Speaker Tami Corlone
Lapeer County Tea Party News
The Lapeer County Tea Party welcomes members of our Lapeer County Commission who join us to discuss issues regarding Lapeer County.
In case you missed this meeting...
Lapeer County Sheriff Scott McKenna on 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County Resolution
The Feb 13th 2020 Lapeer County Commission Meeting, The primary topic of this Commissioners meeting was the now passed Resolution to make Lapeer County a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County. This resolution is in its original form without the specific definition of Sanctuary County added.
Here are the results for the November 5th Lapeer County election..
Lapeer Schools Bond Failed 3709 Yes to 5285 NO votes
Imlay Schools Bond Passed 1509 Yes to 959 NO votes
Lakeville Schools Bond Passed 953 Yes to 807 NO votes
Lapeer City Mayor winner is Debbie Marquardt.
Here is a precinct by precinct results...
Want to watch our past meeting videos?
Missed a meeting and would like to see more?? Go to our You Tube Channel for all of our past meetings.
Lapeer Tea Party You Tube Channel
The policy of the Lapeer County Tea Party Patriots is to allow only candidates, not representatives of candidates, to speak at our meetings. Candidates will be requested to speak by agreement of the Directors in support on their stated goal of membership education. Those races and issues that are requested remain the prerogative of the Directors concerning topical subjects or candidacy. It is not felt that a representative of a candidate can relate the direct position of the person they represent and that the candidate be held directly responsible for their stated position. _______________________________________________________________________________
Mission Statement and Purpose:
The mission of the Lapeer County Tea Party Patriots is to engage citizens
and provide avenues for participation in the political process. Our goals
are to prevent wasteful spending of tax dollars, to reduce the size of
government and its bureaucracies, and to hold accountable those we elect to
represent us. This will be accomplished by attracting, informing, and
mobilizing all who share these goals, regardless of political affiliation.
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